

Welcome to 

Elysian Artspace

Voice & Acting Studio

Thank you for dropping by and visiting our site. Private lessons are held Monday thru Saturday with Owner and Founder, Ivette Viñas.

Ivette is a certified Drama and Education Teacher. She earned a B.F.A in Theatre / Theatre Performance from the University of Florida / New World School of the Arts. 

She is the Theatre Director at Miami Killian Senior High School and also teaches private voice & acting lessons from her home studio. 

Since 2008, Ivette has offered private voice & acting lessons for teens and adults.

Ivette works on the following:

-Breath Control

-Sound Placement

-Eliminating Vocal Strain

-Incorporating the "Mix Voice"

-Song Performance


-Repertoire Development

-Microphone Technique

-Speech/Correcting bad habits

-All genres of music 

-Acting Technique

-Character analysis and development

-Monologue Work

-Audition preparation

-Directing solo performances


$199 / Monthly

Duration of class

1 hour lesson/week